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NoiseCapture is a free and open-source Android application that allows users to measure and share the noise environnement. Each noise measure is combined with its GPS track so that the result can be displayed in a interactive maps within the application, but also on this page.

NoiseCapture can be used by anyone with experience in the field of noise, allowing to carry out acoustic measurements in a certain respect of the rules of art and then to observe a sufficiently critical look at the results provided.

You can get the NoiseCapture App on the Google Play Store ... Get it on Google Play.

... or on the free Aptoide store

NoiseCapture in video

NoiseCapture: what kind of users ?

NoiseCapture is an application intended above all to a public having a level of technical expertise allowing to carry out acoustic measurements in a certain respect of the rules of art and then to give a sufficiently critical look at the results provided. The profile of the user can be very diverse, but in any case it should have a certain "sensitivity" in the field of noise in the environment: acoustician, technician or engineer (in the broad sense) within a community or a consulting firm, a technical training professional, or any person who has received preliminary training in the use of the application, for example during a NoiseCapture Party.
NoiseCapture can of course be of interest to a wider audience, bearing in mind the need to have a critical look at the results provided by the application.

NoiseCapture Party

Because this app is based on VGI (Volunteer Geographic Information) concept, we promote NoiseCapture Party". If you want to organize this kind of event, see information at this page, and become an NoiseCapture "Ambassador".

Community noise maps

Using NoiseCapture, you collaborate to the built of participative noise maps. See map at this page.

Privacy policy

Using NoiseCapture, users can contribute to the realization of collaborative noise maps by anonymously sharing their measurements with the Community. All collected data are only used for scientific researches. For more information, users can take knowledge of privacy policies at this page.

Download data

Data collected using NoiseCapture are distributed in a open way under the OdBL licenses). See our data section at:

Logo data

Cite NoiseCapture

If you want to cite NoiseCapture in a scientific paper (or else), please refer to this article:
PICAUT J., FORTIN N., BOCHER E., PETIT G., AUMOND P., GUILLAUME G. «An open-science crowdsourcing approach for producing community noise maps using smartphones». Building and Environment. 2019. Vol. 148, pp. 20-33. (Open Access article - see PDF)


- Download NoiseCapture on the Google Play store.
- Have a look to our GitHub code repository to contribute to NoiseCapture's devlopments.




École Centrale de Nantes


Université Bretagne Sud



Association / Company



NoiseCapture translators

Special thanks to the following contributors, who helped translate NoiseCapture thanks to the Transifex platform (see more).

  • Italian: Lorenzo Bigagli, Lena Rettori, Paolo Mazzetti
  • Spanish: Miguel Angel Latre Abadia, Santiago Sánchez
  • German: Michael Mueller, Tino Desjardins, Para Plue
  • Chinese: Bo Lü (aka odobo)
  • Breton: Irriep Nala Novram
  • Romanian: Cristian Gabriel Alionte

This application was initially funded by

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